Just A Minute blog

A blog on the BBC radio programme Just A Minute

Location: Wellington, New Zealand

July 16, 2014

JAM 900th

Another two JAMs were recorded on Monday night. The audience were told it was the 900th and 901st shows, which - by some counts - it could well be.

I haven't as yet found out who was on the panel, but will update when I do. The only other recordings for the next season will be at the Edinburgh Festival in August.

Nicholas is interviewed briefly about this on the Jeremy Vine show - that's here and it's about 18 minutes in.

Updating -
The panel was Paul Merton, Sheila Hancock, Russell Kane and Holly Walsh.

I guess Sue Perkins must be booked for Edinburgh, otherwise she won’t appear this year at all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dean, JAM & NICK'S 900 TH .
Paul Merton, Sheila Hancock, Russell Kane & Holly Walsh.
Nicholas gave his oncoming new-book's publication a healthy plug before the start . Very good couple of shows. I say as an old time fan of the show I would like to see Russell Kane as a regular. He was cooking. I have never seen a more animated quicksilver comic reflexed elfin combination of fun,intelligence and warmth since the days of Kenneth Williams. Percentages and figures aside - this man has genuine original talent. Lots of love Keith.

10:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dean, Just a bit more about the 900th show. The first subject of this momentous edition was called '900 Jams'. Sheila is very much enjoying being a regular guest each series and in one of the shows she lets her hair down and their are echoes of how she could be when she was on the BBC show Grumpy Old Women. She's not shy about venting her spleen and she's very funny. Holly Walsh calls Sheila competitive. I think she thought she was going to have any easy ride up against some who is almost twice her age - but no way ! Russell got comically agitated when Holly challenged him on whether he had a girlfriend or not. In retalliation Russell picked up his buzzer and placed it right in front of Holly to show that he was going to pounce on her first mistake. He has such a sense of fun when he plays. Sadly Katie Tyrrell is taking a break from JAM. She wrote me a very nice letter. She said she is looking forward to the 'Welcome To JAM' book and Malcolm Messiter's Just A Minute app. She's going to miss the show but she says she has many c.d.'s of the show to listen to. So hat's off to this brilliant producer with her huge affection for the show who made such a good job of daring to take it in a new direction. There will also be a new series of JUNIOR JAM soon. All the very best KEITH.

3:07 am  

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